John Palmer

Preston, Weymouth, Dorset

To contact me, please use this link to send me a message, and my reply will include my e-mail address.

(to front page)John Palmer, BA MBCS CITP


  1. Personal
  2. Current availability
  3. Work history
  4. Specific skills
  5. Formal qualifications
  6. Memberships and special interests
  7. Publications


Born November 27, 1938. British citizen. I live with my wife on the coast in Dorset; we have four children, all left home.

Current availability

June 2002: I am retired as a programmer but still do some unpaid computing consultancy work for Dorset County Museum. I am also engaged on my own research project in Romano-British archaeology.

I specialise mainly in Linux operating system, Perl programming language, and TeX typesetting system.

My home computing installation runs Linux and I am happy to advise people who are considering moving to Linux, either from Microsoft Windows, or from other Unix systems.

If you have a project you think I can help with, you can contact me from my home-page.

Work history

Specific skills

Formal qualifications

Memberships and special interests


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