January 2018: This group appears to have ceased some time ago; these data kept for historical interest.

Dorset Local History Group

DNHAS logo: Corfe Castle on its hill Founded in 1985, the Dorset Local History Group is a committee of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. It consists of ex-officio members of the society and a committee of twelve ordinary members who have an interest in local history. The committee meet twice a year to discuss policy, future activities and matters affecting Dorset's history. It puts on a lecture programme; two lectures a year (Spring and Autumn), a winter day school and a summer field trip.

Members of the DNHAS are automatically members of the group and are entitled to attend all events (as are the general public).


Please direct enquiries to the Secretary of DLHG, enquiries@dorsetcountymuseum.org

Some past activities

Not an exhaustive list. Many recent events are not recorded here.

Day schools

Others have been held since.

Minutes of AGMs

The AGM continues to be held regularly, even though minutes are not currently shown here.


The Newsletter series was discontinued from 2006.

Results of Questionnaire, winter 2003-4

Thanks to everybody who answered our questionnaire, either on paper or on the website. You can read the analysis and conclusions here.

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